WASHINGTON, DC, USA, February 8, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate says, “We are urging the family of a Navy Veteran who has just learned their loved one has lung cancer to please call us anytime at 866-714-6466-if before 1983 he had constant exposure to asbestos on a navy ship, submarine or at a shipyard. Financial compensation for a person like this might exceed $100,000 and VA benefits may be available as well. Our appeal is nationwide.
“Most Navy Veterans who had significant exposure to asbestos on a ship, submarine, or a shipyard before 1983 never get compensated because they smoked cigarettes, or they forgot about their asbestos exposure because it took place so long ago.
“If your husband or dad is a Navy Veteran who served before 1983 and he had routine exposure to asbestos in the navy, and he now has lung cancer—-please call us anytime at 866-714-6466. We want to do everything possible to make certain a person like this gets compensated, and also will try to assist with VA Benefits.” https://USNavyLungCancer.Com
According to the US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate, “If your
To get compensated a Navy Veteran-Veteran with asbestos exposure lung cancer the following is required:
* The Navy Veteran-Veteran must have been exposed to asbestos prior to 1983 in the armed forces.
* The Navy Veteran’s-Veteran’s exposure to asbestos must have been substantial and must have involved exposure to asbestos involving more than one product. The ideal Veteran who now has asbestos exposure lung cancer for the Advocate would be one who worked as a mechanic, machinist, assisted shipyard workers at a shipyard, worked as an electrician, as a construction worker, plumber or pipefitter, or a member of a repair crew.
* The Navy Veteran-Veteran must be able to get very specific about how, where and when they were exposed to asbestos.
* It is vital the Navy Veteran, or Veteran have a confirmed diagnosis of lung cancer. This will include medical records that confirm their lung cancer, service records that list the Veteran’s job or specialty. https://USNavyLungCancer.Com
The Advocate says, “We do not want to overwhelm a Navy Veteran-Veteran who now has asbestos exposure lung cancer with a long checklist-but to get compensated-all of these things will be necessary. Our appeal is nationwide. If the person, we have just described sounds like your husband, dad or relative–please share this article with them or their family and have them call us at 866-714-6466.” https://USNavyLungCancer.Com
Michael Thomas
US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate
+1 866-714-6466
email us here