Corporate Whistleblower Center Urges a Nursing Home Manager-MD Who Knows a Thing or Two About Big Time Paycheck Protection Program-PPP Loan Fraud to Call About Whistleblower Rewards-It Might Be $100,000s

“The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging a whistleblower to call them at 866-714-6466-if they have proof a healthcare company defrauded the PPP loan program-by lying on their loan application.”

— Corporate Whistleblower Center

WASHINGTON , DC, USA, May 29, 2024 / — The Corporate Whistleblower Center is one of the nation’s top branded sources regarding Paycheck Protection Program-PPP loan fraud involving healthcare companies including owners of nursing homes, acute care centers, dialysis centers, hospice centers, nurse staffing agencies or small hospitals and they are inviting whistleblowers to step forward-if they have proof of PPP loan fraud. A whistleblower might be a healthcare manager, a medical doctor, or an RN manager at a healthcare facility. The whistleblower rewards for people like this might be hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

Congress designed the Paycheck Protection Program-PPP Loans to assist small businesses during 2020-2021 that were struggling because of COVID. The only requirements the US Congress placed on Paycheck Protection Program-PPP loans is they were not supposed to go to companies with more than 500 employees, the money was supposed to be necessary, and at least 60% of the loan proceeds were supposed to go to payroll.

The group now has scores of examples where this did not happen-and they are encouraging whistleblowers to call them at 866-714-6466-if they have proof a healthcare company defrauded the PPP loan program-by lying on their loan application about how many employees they actually had, the necessity of the loan, and if in fact the company never used at least 60% of the loan proceeds to beef up payroll. https://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

According to the Corporate Whistleblower Center, “We have been assisting whistleblowers for over two decades and we thought we had seen it all when it comes to ripping off the federal government-especially Medicare or Medicaid. Unfortunately, fraud involving the Paycheck Protection Program-PPP loans is beyond anything we have ever seen before. For starters many healthcare companies lied about having fewer than 500 employees, they lied about the PPP loan proceeds being necessary and if they received a PPP loan in many cases, they did not spend one penny on payroll.

“Another thing we have discovered is in many to most instances we have seen is the same bank that did all of the loans for say as an example a nursing home ownership group with multiple locations. In a few examples these nursing home ownership groups had over a thousand employees-the millions of dollars they received in the form of PPP loans were not used to fortify payroll-and the money was not necessary.

“In the instances of banks allowing borrowers to commit PPP loan fraud we think the SEC might be very interested. SEC whistleblower rewards might be in the millions of dollars-if the bank was pumping out PPP loans with no due diligence. If you are a current or former banker-loan officer and you know what we are talking about-and you have proof, please give us a call at 866-714-6466.

“If you are a healthcare manager-employee and you know for a fact your employer had more than 500 employees, they received a million dollar plus Paycheck Protection Program-PPP Loan, and they never spent the money on payroll—–please give us a call at 866-714-6466 and let’s have a confidential conversation about whistleblower rewards.” https://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

Michael Thomas
Corporate Whistleblower Center
+1 866-714-6466
email us here

May 29, 2024

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