Chuck Hand Storms Out Of Most Important Job Interview Of His Life: Behavior Raises Concerns About Fitness For Congress

Chuck Hand Storms Out Of Most Important Job Interview Of His Life: Behavior Raises Concerns About Fitness For Congress

GOP Congressional Candidate Dr. Wayne Johnson Continues on at Atlanta Press Club Loudermilk/Young Run-Off Debate 2024

ATLANTA, GA, UNITED STATES, June 10, 2024 / — The setting was the important and respected Atlanta Press Club/Loudermilk-Young Debate Series, hosted at the television studios of Georgia Public Broadcasting in Atlanta.

The purpose of the debate was for news panelist and a moderator from the media to elicit responses from Congressional candidates Wayne Johnson and Charles “Chuck” Hand about issues important to voters. Just as the program got under way, “Hand, simply walked out on his job interview without answering or even acknowledging a single question,” said a member of the production crew present at the time. The production crew camera member went on to say that “he had been producing these debates for a long time and had never witnessed such bizarre behavior.”

Johnson, the leading run-off candidate on the stage with his opponent, said, “it was a great surprise to everyone present, especially to the moderator, interview panelist, me as the debate opponent and even to the production crew, when Mr. Hand avoided answering any debate questions and instead read a prepared statement saying he did not think it worthy of him to have to be there to discuss issues, and then stormed off the stage in anger, refusing to even acknowledge to the moderator that he was leaving. He certainly did not stick around to hear rebuttal to his over-the-top aggressive and unsubstantiated statements.”

“Storming out of an important job interview over a fabricated personal grievance is strange behavior in any situation. That a candidate for Congress, whose campaign is centered around the theme of being a working man who wants to be “hired by the people of Southwest Georgia” to do the job of a congressman, would brazenly and theatrically walk out on a panel of seasoned and responsible journalist, without answering a single question, does not show confidence in standing up to expected challenges regarding qualifications and policy positions, or even the traditional ‘heat of being a member of Congress,” said Johnson.

Johnson emphasized that Mr. Hand just walked out on the most important job interview of his life, in front of GPB cameras and thousands of viewers who tune in to see, hear and evaluate candidates to represent them in Congress.”

Direct reporting of this occurrence also came from Greg Bluestein of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, who wrote, “Charles ‘Chuck’ Hand, a Republican U.S. House candidate who was convicted and served federal prison time for taking part in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot that mobbed the U.S. Capitol, and whom has previously also been charged with criminal trespass and DUI, stormed off the stage Sunday minutes into an Atlanta Press Club debate.”

AJC political reporter Bluestein highlighted and confirmed in his reporting that Hand’s pre-planned, theatrically staged statement and exit was conducted upon Hand ignoring to answer or even acknowledge a question from an interview panelist about a proposed federal farm bill.

“It is astoundingly clear to all that Mr. Hand accepted the invitation from the Atlanta Press Club and GPB solely for the purpose of using this forum for creating political theater to provoke the press into giving attention to Hand’s ongoing whining about always being a victim of some sort,” said Johnson. “Hand is weak and shallow on issues of substance that are important to voters; but he is a master of ‘bluster’ and ‘bravado.’ These are classic aspects of a confidence man’s ‘Big Con Show’ which Hand has been putting on since he first entered this race for Congress. Endeavoring to be a member of Congress is serious and responsible business and should be respected as such.”

Johnson summed up his thoughts by saying, “I have confidence in the voters of Middle and Southwest Georgia and trust they will determine that I am the right man, at the right time, with the right experience, and with the seriousness to unseat 32-year term incumbent Rep. Sanford Bishop and be in a position to provide the type of congressional service that people deserve and are entitled to.”

Run-off Election Day is June 18. Early voting runs from Monday through Friday of this week, June 10 until Jun 14.

Every vote is important. Wayne Johnson is respectfully asking that you trust him with your vote. Each vote is especially important in a run-off election due to historically low turnout for such elections. This is a time when each vote is amplified.

Johnson is a lifelong resident of Macon, a father, grandfather, farmer, and successful businessman who established businesses in Middle and Southwest Georgia, other parts of Georgia and internationally. He is an ardent supporter of 2nd Amendment rights and is a serious gun owner. Johnson obtained his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from Mercer University and his master’s in business from Emory University.

Wayne Johnson for Congress, Inc.
+1 478-739-4196

June 10, 2024

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