Texas Metal Building Manufacturer

Transworld Business Advisors of South & West Texas facilitated a seamless $12.2 million acquisition of a Texas Metal Building Manufacturer

HOUSTON, TX, UNITED STATES, May 29, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The owner of a prominent Texas Metal Building Manufacturer faced a significant challenge: after 20 years of dedicated operation, they wished to pursue other business interests. However, the complexity of finding the right buyer who could appreciate the company’s value and ensure its continued growth posed a daunting task. The seller needed a seamless transition that would not only uphold the company’s legacy but also maximize their financial return.

Transworld Business Advisors of Houston, led by M&A Intermediary Carmen Saad Hanna, provided the ideal solution to the seller’s problem. With Carmen’s extensive experience as a Certified Business Intermediary and a Merger and Acquisition Master Intermediary, she orchestrated a comprehensive and strategic approach to the sale.

The strategic acquisition was completed for an impressive sum of $12.2 million, solving the seller’s problem by providing a financially rewarding exit while ensuring the company’s continued growth and success. The Indiana-based buyer’s acquisition expanded their product offerings nationwide, significantly boosting potential sales for the Texas Metal Building Manufacturer.

The process involved engaging multiple buyers. Carmen and the Transworld team conducted extensive discussions with various potential buyers, including local, national, and international parties, ensuring the most suitable and strategically aligned buyer was identified. The ideal buyer emerged as a large conglomerate based in Indiana, known for its expertise in the building industry and aggressive growth strategy through acquisitions, perfectly positioning them to appreciate and expand the Texas Metal Building Manufacturer’s market presence. The seller agreed to remain engaged with the company in a part-time consulting role for 1-2 years, facilitating a smooth transition and providing valuable continuity of expertise. Over six months of meticulous negotiation and due diligence, including the execution of a Letter of Intent, Carmen ensured all aspects and documentation, such as the Asset Purchase Agreement and Real Estate Purchase Contract, were diligently finalized, culminating in the successful completion of the transaction nine months after the initial meeting.

Gerry Brisson, CEO of Transworld Business Advisors of South & West Texas, commended Carmen Hanna’s role: “We are thrilled to have Carmen Hanna, our M&A Intermediary, spearhead the successful sale of the Texas Metal Building Manufacturer. Carmen’s exceptional skills, unmatched industry knowledge, and unwavering determination made her the perfect candidate to orchestrate this deal. Her expertise and personalized approach ensured that no one else could have executed this transaction with the same level of excellence. We congratulate Carmen on this outstanding achievement and are confident that she will continue to deliver exceptional results for our clients.”

Transworld Business Advisors of South & West Texas (formerly known as Transworld Business Advisors of Houston) successfully resolved the seller’s challenge by securing a strategic and financially rewarding sale of the Texas Metal Building Manufacturer. Through Carmen’s expert facilitation, the transaction not only met but exceeded the seller’s expectations, ensuring a prosperous future for both the company and the new owners.

Transworld Business Advisors of South & West Texas
+1 281-769-4277
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