The Steinberg Law Group – Mesothelioma Options Help Center of Illinois – Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawyers

The Steinberg Law Group has decades of proven experience and the resources to help victims of asbestos exposure and their families obtain the financial compensation they deserve.

The Steinberg Law Group – Mesothelioma Options Help Center of Illinois – Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawyers – Call Toll Free at (888) 891-2200

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA, February 27, 2024 / — Our Mesothelioma Options Help Center of Illinois is dedicated to providing top quality legal and medical assistance to those stricken with mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer. Anyone wishing to discuss their legal and/or medical options should call (888) 891-2200 to speak directly with an attorney from the Steinberg Law Group.

The Steinberg Law Group has decades of experience in handling mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cases. With offices in New York, California and Texas, the Steinberg Law Group has a national footprint that helps win the best possible financial compensation for clients.

Typically, asbestos exposure will have occurred sometime between the 1950s and the 1980s. Some of the most prevalent professions that encountered large quantities of asbestos include power plant workers, maritime workers, industrial workers, plumbers, pipefitters, electricians, mechanics, machinists, miners, railroad workers and construction workers, to name a few. Since the latency period for mesothelioma patients is approximately 40 years, most people diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer in 2024 were exposed decades ago.

Although Illinois has no known naturally occurring asbestos deposits, residents of the state must be weary of the many industries throughout the state that relied heavily on asbestos such as the power generating, manufacturing and oil refining industries. Illinois’ abundance of industries helps explain why the over 350,000 tons of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite from the notorious mine in Libby, Montana were shipped into the state during the twentieth century.

Known companies, jobsites and locations with known asbestos exposure in Illinois include, but are not limited to, Illinois Beach State Park, Baldwin Power Plant, Crawford Generating Station, Dresden Generating Station, Emerson Electric Facility, Fisk Generating Station, Zion Nuclear Power Station, Powerton Powerhouse, Chicago Nuclear Powerhouse, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Dixie Square Mall, Magnolia School, Newman School, Milton School, Thebes School, Cairo/Lincoln School, Alton Memorial Hospital, Alton Powerhouse, Alton State Hospital, Gilson Brown School, Godfrey School, Humboldt School, Mark Twain School, North Middle School, Principia College, Anna State Hospital, Copley Memorial Hospital, Great Lakes Forge, Madonna High School, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Bartonville Grade School, Belleville Area College, Belleville East High School, Excelsior Foundry, Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Saint Clair County Courthouse, Saint Elizabeth Hospital, Highland Hospital, National Gray Iron Foundry, Franklin Hospital, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Blue Island Forging, Southern Illinois University, Centralia Powerhouse, Herman M. Adler Clinic, University of Illinois, Advocate Sherman Hospital, Air Force High School, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago National History Museum, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Chicago Wesley Memorial Hospital, North Park College, Edgewater Hospital, New Chicago Trade School, Mundelein College, Michael Reese Hospital, Loyola University, Kincaid Power Station, Inland Steel Powerhouse, Illinois Institute of Technology and George Williams College, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company, Dearborn Rubber Corporation, Freeman Coal Company, Kautt & Bux Manufacturing, LTV Steel, Mobil, Pneumo Abex Corporation, Amoco, Shell, Standard, Johns-Manville Corporation, Grundy Industries, Inc., Eureka Company, CITGO, Kentile Floors, Inc., Alton Box Board and Paper Company, Alton Gas and Electric Company, Alton Steam Laundry Company, Alton Steel Company, Alton Water Company, American Smelting, American Water Works & Electric Company, Duncan Foundry and Machine Works, E.W. Clark and Company, Fairbanks and Company, Laclede Steel Company, Owens-Illinois, Russell Miler Milling Company, Sears, Roebuck & Company, Spanks Milling Company, Fruit Growers Refining and Power Company, Union City Tract’N and Power Company, Corn Products Company, CFC International, Aurora Automatic Machine Company, Aurora Paper Board Company, Aurora Street Railway Company, Austin – Western Company, C. E. Refractories, Caterpillar Tractor Company, Commonwealth Edison Company, Consolidated Paper Company, Davis Aurora Company, Fiber Container Corporation, Forty Eight Insulations, Inc., Fox River Light, Heat and Power Company, Independent Pneumatic Tool Company, Lyon Metal Products, M. H. Detrick Company, New Process D-Enameling Company, William F. Jobbins, Inc., Wilker Process Equipment, Inc., Western Wheeled Scraper Company, Western United Gas and Electric Company, Western Austin Company, Thor Power Tool Company, Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company, Rathbone, Sard and Company, Dynegy Power Corporation, Illinois Power Company, Reabody Coal Company, Sprinkman Sons Corporation, Illinova Power Marketing, Inc., Allied Mills, Inc., Central Illinois Light Company, Keyston Steel & Wire, Furnsa Electric Company, Metal Dross Corporation, Van Nortwick Paper Company, Western Paper Bag Company, Johnson and Johnson, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company/3M, Viskase Company, Moroney John J. & Company, Carling Brewery, Kenneth Wild Concrete Company, Rust Company, Inc., St. Clair County Gas and Electric Company, Belvidere Distilling Company, Belvidere Screw and Machine Company, Chrysler Corporation, Dean Milk Company, Paulson Heating Company, R and D Thiel, Inc., Shield Ware, Inc., Franklin County Mining Company, Petroff Packing Company, Alton Railroad Company, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Ashland Chemical Company, Beich Candy Company, Bloomington and Normal Railway Electric and Heat Company, Citizens Gas, Light and Heating Company, Consumers Heat and Electric Light Company, Eureka Williams Corporation, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Funk Brothers Seed Company, Ma Girl Supply Company, Madison County Light and Power Company, Owens Corning Fiberglass Corporation, Peoria, Bloomington and Champaign Railway Company, Ralston Purina Company, Texas Pipeline Company, Union Asbestos, Unarco, Air Reduction Chemical Company, Calumet Brick Company, Chicago Copper and Chemical Company, Clark Oil & Refining Company, Enterprise Wire Company, Great Lakes Refining Company, Illinois Brick Company, Libby, McNeill & Libby, Inc., Modern Drop Forge Company, North Shore Electric Company, Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Tuthill Building Material Company, Bunge Corporation, Krolhler Manufacturing Company, Swift & Company, Burkhart Manufacturing Company, Cairo Railway and Light Company, Cairo Water Company, E.L. Bruce Company, Missouri Cotton Oil Company, Singer Manufacturing Company, United Chemical and Organic Products Company, Wilson and Company, Canton Gas and Electric Company, Central Illinois Light Company, International Harvester Company, P and O Manufacturing, Inc., Peoples Gas and Electric Light Company, United Electric Coal Company, Wood Preserving Company, Tri Star Metals, Hollywood Brands, Inc., Illinois Central Railroad Company, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Texas-Illinois Natural Gas Pipe Line Company, Abbott Laboratories, Inc., Clifford-Jacobs Forging Company, Danville Urbana and Champaign Railway, Kraft Foods, Inc., Smith and Company, Urbana and Champaign Street Railway Company, Urbana and Champaign Railway Gas and Electric Company, A. Finkl & Sons Steel, A. H. Andrews & Company, A. H. Ross & Sons Company, A. P. Green Fire Brick Company, Abell Box Corporation, ACandS, Inc., Acme Steel Company, Adahy Packing Company, Admiral Corporation, Advertising Metal Display Company, Aermotor Windmill Company, Aetna Bearing Company, Agar Manufacturing Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Air Reduction Sales Company, Albert Schwill and Company, Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, Allied Metal Company, Allis Chalmers Company, Alsik Brick Company, America Strawboard Company, American Bank Note Company, American Brake Shoe & Foundry Company, American Bridge Company, American Can Company, American Car & Foundry Company, American Cereal Company, American Coconut Butter Company, American Cutlery Company, American Engineering Company of Mexico, American Furniture Mart Corporation, American Granite Company, American Hide and Leather Company, American Industrial Service Company, American Licorice Company, American Lumber and Treating Company, American Maize-Products Company, American Malting Company, American Molasses Company, American Oil Company, American Radiator Company, American Rolling Mill Company/ARMCO, American Sheet & Tin Plate Company, American Spiral Pipe Company, American Steel and Wire Company, American Steel Foundries, Inc., American Tar Products Company, Ameritech Corporation, Anglo-American Provision Company, Apex Smelting Company, Arcole Midwest Corporation, Argo International Corporation, Armour & Company, Armster Company, Armstrong Brothers Tool Company, Armstrong Cork Company, Arnold Company, Arnold Electric Power Station Company, Asbestos and Magnesia Materials Company, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, Atlas Forging Company, Aullman Company, Austin Company, Autopoint Company, B. Brody Heating, Badenoch Brothers, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Barber Asphalt Paving Company, Barkling Fuel Engineering Company, Barkling Industrial Furnace Corporation, Barrett Manufacturing Company, Bartholomae & Leicht Brewing Company, Bastian-Blessing Company, Batchelder-Beilin Company, Bauerle & Stark Company, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Beatrice Creamery Company, Beatrice Foods Company, Bedford Stone Quarries Company, Bela Seating Company, Bell Box Corporation, Belmont Radio Corporation, Bemis & McAvoy Brewing Company, Benefit Trust Life Insurance Company, Beneke Corporation, Bishop and Babcock Company, Blackstone Manufacturing Company, Bodine Electric Company, Bonell Manufacturing, Borden, Inc., Borg-Warner Chemical, Bowman Dairy Company, Boyd, Lunham & Company, Brand Insulations, Inc., Braun & Fitts Company, Breuer Electric Manufacturing Company, Brink’s, Inc., Brody Seating Company, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Buick Motor Company, Burny Brothers, Inc., Burton Auto Spring Corporation, Butler Brothers, C. F. Claussen and Sons, C.B. Pride Rhinelander Paper Company, C.D. Cash and Company, C.E. Billin and Company, Cable Company, Calumet Portland Cement Company, Campbell Soup Company, Canal-Randolph Corporation, Cardox Corporation, Cargill, Inc., Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Carnotite Reduction Company, Carson Pirie Scott & Company, Case and Martin Company, Central Asbestos & Magnesia Company, Central Cold Storage Company, Central Service Company, Central Soya Company, Central States Steel Boiler Company, Central Steel and Wire Company, Champion Laundry, Inc., Charles E. Larson & Sons, Inc., Charles Pope Glucose Company, Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, Chicago Aerifrom Carbon Company, Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Railway Company, Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, Chicago Carton Company, Chicago City Railway Company, Chicago Coated Board Company, Chicago Cold Storage Company, Chicago Consolidated Traction Company, Chicago Edison Company, Chicago Label & Box Company, Chicago Mill and Lumber Company, Chicago Molded Products Corporation, Chicago Packing Company, Chicago Pipe & Boiler Covering Company, Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, Chicago Portland Cement Company, Chicago Rawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago Roller Skate Company, Chicago Southern Railway Company, Chicago Steel & Wire Company, Chicago Sugar Refining Company, Chicago Telephone Company, Chicago Union Station Company, Chicago Union Traction Company, Chicago Union Transfer Railway Company, Chicago, Lake Shores & Eastern Railway Company, Chromium Mining & Smelting Corporation, Clayton Mark and Company, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Columbia Tool Steel Company, Commercial Stamping & Forging, Congress Hotel Company, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Connelly-GPM, Inc., Consolidated S. and W. Company, Consumers Company, Container Corporation of America, Continental Can Company, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company, Cook Chocolate Company, Cooperative Construction Company, Corn Products Manufacturing Company, Corn Products Refining Company, Cornell Forge Company, Cosmopolitan Electric Company, Crane Company, Crerar, Adams & Company, Cribben and Sexton Company, Crystal Pure Candy Company, Culberg Asbestos & Cork Company, Cuneo Press, Inc., Curtiss Candy Company, D. M. Zuary and Company, Daly’s Laundry Company, Dana, Inc., Darling & Company, Deering Harvester Company, Defense Plant Corporation, Derby Steam Laundry Company, Devoe & Raynolds Company, Diamond Alkali Company, Diamond Cement and Lithe Stone Company, Diamond Glue Company, Diamond Match Company, Draper and Kramer, Inc., Drewry’s Limited U. S. A., Inc., Drovers Packing Company, E. J. Brach & Sons, E. J. Davis Manufacturing Company, E. L. Mansure Company, E. L. Prussing & Company, Eagle Grinding Wheel Corporation, Eastman Kodak Company, Eckhart & Swan Milling Company, Economy Plumbing & Heating Company, Edison Electric Appliance Company, Inc., North American Cold Storage Company, North American Asbestos Corporation, NL Industries, Inc., New York Life Insurance Company, New York Central Railroad Company, Neisner Brothers, Nehi Royal Crown Corporation, Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, National Warehouse Corporation, National Video Corpoartion, National Tea Company, National Steel Company, National Safe Deposit Company, National Railway Construction Company, National Parlor Furniture Company, National Malleable & Steel Castings Company, National Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, National Can Company, National Brick Machine Company, National Box Company, National Baking Company, National Aluminate Corporation, Naico Chemical Company, National Biscuit Company/Nabisco, N. K. Fairbanks Company, Murphy Varnish Company, Multi Electric Manufacturing, Inc., Morris and Company, Morgan Linen Supply, Inc., Montgomery Ward, Inc., Monarch Leather Company, Monarch Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services LLC, Modern Steel & Treat Company, Mills Novelty Company, Miehle Printing Press Manufacturing Company, Midwest Brass Forging Company, Midwesco Enterprises, Inc., Middle West Utilities Company, Mid-West Spring and Stamping, Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railroad Company, Medical Center Steam Company, Mechanics Overall Laundry and Rental Company, Mechanical Rubber Company, Mechanical Finishers, Inc., McWilliams Dredging Company, McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, Material Service Corporation, Masury-Young Company, Mason, Davis and Company, Marworth, Inc., Mars, Inc., Marine and Inland Insurance Company, Marblehead Lime Company, Manz Corporation, Manhattan Brewing Company, Magnaflux Corporation, Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company LLC, M.H. Detrick Company, M. H. Ritzwoller Company, M. C. Bullock Manufacturing Company, Luse-Stevenson Company, Lurie & Company, Louis C. Ehle & Company, Louis Pfaelzer & Sons, Litho-Strip Corporation, Liquid Carbonic Corporation, Link-Belt Company, Linde Air Products Company, Lindberg Engineering Company, Lianco Container Corporation, Lever Brothers Company, Leonard & Son Construction Company, Lehon Company, Lehigh Valley Coal Company, Lanzit Corrugated Box Company, Lanquist & Illsley Company, Lamson & Sessions Company, Lampcraft Industries, Lakeside Central Company, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company, L.E. Myers Company, L. H. Prentice Company, L. H. and P. Company, Kroch’s & Brentano’s, Inc., Krapp Forge, Inc., Knickerbocker Ice Company, Kensington Steel Company, Kenney Paper Company, Kailer Youngquist, Inc., K & S Precision Metals, Joslyn Manufacturing & Supply Company, Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., John Wood Company, John F. Jelke Company, John E. Shulze & Sons, Inc., Jernberg Industries, Jarrow Products Corporation, James Stewart & Company, James S. Kirk & Company, J.W. Sefton Manufacturing Company, J.R. Short Milling, J. C. Deagan, Inc., J & J Tool Company, Iroquois Iron Company, Iowa Valve Company, International Rolling Mills Company, International Paper Company, International Nickel Mining Company, Interlake Steel Corporation, Interlake Iron Corporation, Interlake Coke, Inc., Interchemical Corporation, Inter Ocean Publishing Company, Insulation Construction Company, Inland Steel Company, Industrial Metal Coating & Finishing Company, Indiana Steel Company, Indiana Quarries Company, Independent Packing Company, Illinois Vinegar Manufacturing Company, Illinois Steel Company, Illinois Packing Company, Illinois Meat Company, Illinois Maintenance Company, Illinois Insulation & Construction Company, Illinois Fireproof Covering Company, Illinois Fibre Specialty Company, Illinois Car and Equipment Company, Illinois Brick Company, Illinois Bell Telephone Company, IBM, Hysan Products Company, Hyman-Michaels Company, Hygienic Ice Company, Hydro-Blast, Inc., Hyde Park Electric Light and Power Company, Huron and Orleans Building Corporation, Hunts-Wesson Foods, Inc., Hunt Foods and Industries, Inc., Hudson Engineering & Fabrication, Howard Foundry Corporation, Home Insurance Company, Hoffman-Stafford Tanning Company, Hinde & Dauche Paper Company, Hinckley and Schmitt, Inc., Heick Die Casting Corporation, Harvey Metals Corporation, Hartmann-Sanders Company, Harris Brothers Company, Harold Gunnarson Company, Harish Company, Harmony Company, Harco Aluminum, Hanson Bros. Scale Company, Hansell-Elcock Company, Hanley-Casey Company, Handy Button Realty Corporation, Hammond Organ Company, H. M. Byllesley & Company, Gutmann & Company, Grigsby-Grunow Company, Griffin Wheel Company, Greenlee Brothers & Company, Greenebaum Tanning Company, Great Western Laundry Company, Great Western Cereal Company, Great Lakes Metal Finishing Company, Great Lakes Carbon Corporation, Grabler Manufacturing Company, GPE Controls, Inc., Gottfried Brewing Company, Gordon Baking Company, Goodman Manufacturing Company, Glucose Sugar Refining Company, Globe Roofing Products Company, Globe Laundry Company, Glidden Company, Glasser Crandell Company, Gerts, Lombard & Company, Scott Air Force Base, George B. Swift Company, General Mills, Inc. and General Signal Corporation.

For the best possible medical treatment for mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer, call (888) 891-2200 so a member of the Mesothelioma Options Help Center of Illinois can determine which hospital/doctor in our network is most convenient for you.

States with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include Oregon, Washington, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Michigan, Illinois, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine and Connecticut. For more information about mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer, call (888) 891-2200 or visit now.

Robert L. Steinberg
The Steinberg Law Group
+1 8888912200
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